Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I always wanted to be a vet.
When i was a child i dreamed with my own clinic full of all kind of animals. Now i'm not sure if the small animals are for me, a love them, but sometimes i think that i want something more especific, like ginecology for example. Is to early to decided i guess.

I think veterinary offers you a lot of oportunities, so it's a wide a generous carer. I like that.
What i expect of the future? For now i only want to be a good profesional and do the best with love and respect for me and my  patients: the animals.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My name is Natalia, i'm 21 years old, i was born in Punta Arenas and i love animals (bah!).
Before moving here i lived two years in Buenos Aires where i studied medicine.
I don't really liked, so I decided to return to Punta Arenas where I prepare another year to go to University and here I am
I love music, flamenco, films , fashion and food.
I don't understand very much what blog is, but i think it will be nice.
